Monday 21 January 2019

Playa Samara: Where the jungle meets the sea

In this place, when you're not enjoying the beach, you're enjoying the jungle:

We have actually seen a lot more wildlife from our apartment balcony, than we did when we queued up at 6:00 am and fought the crowds at Manuel Antonio National Park.

Michele - the wildlife photographer

She could be forgiven for wanting a better camera:

This camera looked a lot more professional before it encountered Cuban sun screen.  If that's what the sun screen did to the camera, I hate to think what it did to us.

Coatis:  Costa Rica's thieving raccoons

These animals will steal anything.  Dustbins have to be reinforced against them.

This one's not letting go of the bread it found:

I was more intimidated by them, than they were by me:


Frog's Nest

This guy made himself right at home.





Almost looks like a smile

The roar of Howler Monkeys

In the movie Jurassic Park, Spielberg used tapes of Howler Monkeys to create the roar of the Tyrannosaurus dinosaur.

The sound is out of all proportion to their size.  I guess this was the one making all the noise....yes....that would be a guy

Mother and child were a lot quieter:

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