Tuesday 15 January 2019

Frying in Costa Rica's Blue Zone

Just how hot is it?

Too hot for somebody with my Irish blood:

I cool off by going to the beach in a fetching combination of red swim shorts and yellow rash shirt.  I tell myself the effect is like this: 

But I suspect the reality may be closer to this:

Exactly where is Samara Beach?

It is located on the Nicoya Peninsula, at pretty much the back end of nowhere:

We are staying in one of the planet's five "Blue Zones"

Blue Zones are characterized by populations that enjoy extraordinary longevity:

Sure - we would all love to live longer - but this ain't no free lunch - in fact there's not much food at all, certainly no steak and red wine.  About the only thing in generous supply, is a life time of constant manual labour.

It is telling that the only North Americans to make the list, are a bunch of devout Seventh Day Adventists living in California.

If you would like to live long, if not indulgently, then here is a link with the lessons from Costa Rica - https://www.bluezones.com/exploration/nicoya-costa-rica/ 

Life's different here:

Cannot wait for Page 2:

Look at these cute pets:

Well - they are in for a bit of a shock on Sunday!

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