Monday 10 November 2014

A few photos from the High Atlas

Our route today took us from Marrakech to Ouarzazate, via the Tizi n-Tichka pass, Telouet, and Alt Benhaddou

We were lucky to have a driver, Abdul (not a lot of first names in this part of the world) and a new Toyota Landcruiser Prado.  Even so the driving was a little hairy. Abdul, did not like to get his wheels dirty unless he absolutely had to, so he used to play chicken, hogging the middle of the road in the face of oncoming traffic, until the last possible moment.  He seemed perfectly calm so we assumed there was no reason to worry.

Tizi n-Tichka pass

It was cold and remarkably snowy for Africa at this time of year:

The Kasbah of Telouet - 5 wives and 80 concubines

Our guide, Rashid, knew his audience even if he did not know his history.

According to Rashid, the Kasbah's former owner, Thami el-Glaoui, Pasha of Marrakech, had five wives and 80 concubines.  Rashid explained, rather delicately, that the concubines only stayed around long enough for the Pasha to exercise his "Droit de Seigneur".  I subsequently found out that Wikipedia rather pours cold water on the whole story, which is a real shame.

Despite the fact that much of the structure is rapidly crumbling, there are portions that rival the Alhambra:

This BBC article ( raises the hope that what is left, can be preserved.  Based on what we saw today, I would not be too optimistic. 

Alt Benhaddou - the set for movies like "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Gladiator"

Ouarzazate - the boom town in the middle of nowhere that is no longer booming

We are staying here tonight.  Fortunately our hotel is in much better shape than this one.

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