Monday 27 February 2017

Life at the Top and Bottom of the Food Chain in Ruaha

Top of the Food Chain

First clue we got that something was up, was the sight of vultures in the trees:

We speculated that there must be something dead being guarded by a predator.  That supposition was confirmed by the stench and sight of a dead giraffe.

And sure enough it was being guarded by its nemesis

and family

Bottom of the Food Chain

Life at the other end is not quite so dramatic

The beetle on the right is a guy.  He has his head and hands in the dirt, while he is pushing the ball of dung with his back legs.  The other one is a woman.  She is catching a free ride because she has very important work, don't you know.  She will soon be laying eggs in the middle of the ball of dung.  I would like to say I know how he feels, but I wouldn't dare!

Some signs you are just meant to obey

"I had a tent in Africa"

Mdonya Old River Camp brought out Michele's inner Karen Blixen

The bed was super comfortable

The tent even had an en suite bathroom complete with flush toilet and shower.  The shower water was heated by solar panels.

The only glitch was that a thirsty elephant had raided the water tank, thereby knocking out the supply of water to the tents.

Delicious food served with all the decorum of Downtown  Abbey, completed the sense of bygone elegance

- oddly enhanced by an audience of Impalas

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